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Guide to get Shopify API key

To get the API credential you need to generate the Shopify API credential first using the Shopify account.

You have to visit the Shopify store that the you want to connect and sync with the Always Forever Green platform.

To do so, click on the App menu and click on develop an app for your store.

Shopify Eco Friendly Products

After that, click on Create an app.

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Then fill in the required fields i.e. App name of your choice and click on create app button.

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After creating the app, you have to navigate to the configuration tab. Then, click on the Configure button for Admin API Integration.

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Kindly note, it should have Read and Write API permission for the following:

  • Customer Details and Customer Group
  • Inventory
  • Order, transaction, and fulfilments
  • Product Information
  • Product, variant, and collection

After selecting all the required permissions, click on the Save button.

Lastly, go to the API credentials tab and click on the Install App button.

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By clicking on the Reveal token once you will get the token key.

Note – This token key is available only once, please copy and save your shopify API token in a secure place.

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Now you have to submit the credentials on our Platform integrations page.

Manage Product Sync:

To manage the product sync like product updates, product delete, and more. You will have to configure the webhooks on your Shopify account.

Product Delete Sychronization : https://www.alwaysforevergreen.com/?wk_woo_shopify=wk_shopify_delete_product

Product Update Sychronization : https://www.alwaysforevergreen.com/?wk_woo_shopify=wk_shopify_update_product

Order Status Sychronization : https://www.alwaysforevergreen.com/? wk_woo_shopify=wk_shopify_order_update

Now from the Shopify account, navigate to Settings, Notifications.

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Here, the you can create the Webhooks and add the URL for Product Deletion,  Product Update and Order Updates.

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Now, select the Product deletion option from the Event list and paste this URL https://www.alwaysforevergreen.com?wk_woo_shopify=wk_shopify_delete_product
as sown in the image below –

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In the same manner, you need to create webhooks for – Product Updates and Order Updates by selecting respective events from the list an submitting respective URLs as given below:

Product Updates : https://www.alwaysforevergreen.com/?wk_woo_shopify=wk_shopify_update_product

Order Updates  : https://www.alwaysforevergreen.com/? wk_woo_shopify=wk_shopify_order_update


Thats all you now well synched with our platform.

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