A founding principle of Always Forever Green is to make it simple for consumers to make smarter and cleaner shopping decisions by connecting them with brands that deliver high-quality products designed and made in an environmentally and socially conscious manner.
Transparency is key; we have developed a simple system of eco-badges sellers assign to their products to allow shoppers to quickly identify the key attributes of a product from an environmental perspective and how it might benefit them e.g. to lower their household carbon footprint, to ensure they shop vegan, to support locally made products, avoid palm oil, go plastic-free or to prioritise products to provide a social benefit.
We have also developed a system for shops to rate themselves in terms of their overall sustainability credentials in recognition of the different stages of the journey different brands might be on, we also hope to incentivise others.

Certified B-Corp, products certified against a recognized sustainability or environmental standard e.g. ISO.
Only sells environmentally friendly and certified products.
Fully reports on impacts including their carbon footprint.
Social dimensions like 1% for the planet.
Likely to be a more mature business that has been operating for a while.
Transparent principles / targets which it reports against.

On a journey to become certified against major standards e.g. B-Corp pending for new ventures.
Possibly a new venture just starting up that is very eco-friendly at its core but not yet been operating long enough to achieve full certification (e.g. B-Corp’s need a year of operations before they are fully certified).
Has set clear ambitions and goals but may not yet have the track record for reporting.

Begun the process of certifying some products or business practice.
Not yet part of an organisation like B-Corp.
Sells some eco-products and is committed to improvement.